This is part blog, part site update corner I guess. I'm not exactly the most articulate of people irl and so I'm hoping having a blog will change that :D
July 30th
Added an about me page :D
July 29th
I found out that the visitor count wasn't working because I wasn't a supporter.
I'm a supporter now so it should be good now!
Finally fixed the vampire blinkie so now it's centered in its container.
Don't know why it took me until now lol.
July 28th
I just figured out how to use a style sheet!!!
Now I don't have to keep changing the style in all three html files! I'm so happy :D
I also replaced the old site visitor counter with one from
Hopefully it actually works!
July 26th and 27th:
I remembered I had made a Neocities website sometime during the beginning of last summer and decided to actually use it. I deleted the few things that were already there and used a W3Schools tutorial to format my new site. I hope to make this website a cool place to be!
As of writing this I am happy and optimistic!